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Refrigeration system at Großhadern University Hospital: Maximum supply reliability for high-tech medicine

The University Hospital Großhadern is home to a specialized company that produces a unique, radioactively ...
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Energy center at a food logistics company – a successful project

The world of food logistics is demanding and requires innovative solutions to ensure maximum efficiency. ...
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New junior campus at Wacker Plauen

With our commitment to Wacker Plauen, we are taking a major step towards promoting young ...
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KSI Refrigeration Summer Party 2024

Last Friday, we organized our annual KSI summer party with our colleagues. We began with ...
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Christmas trip KSI

KSI Christmas party – Thank you for a fantastic 2023! Between great excursion destinations, happy ...
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Look inside! Week at KSI

From March 11 to 16, 2024, we are offering school students the opportunity to take ...
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Julius Tannert becomes vice rally champion 2023

For Julius Tannert and co-driver Frank Christian, the race to catch up paid off. The ...
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KSI Fahrsicherheitstraining10

KSI at driver safety training

The KSI Kältetechnik team successfully took part in a driver safety training course at the ...
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Leading at work, driving on the bike

Our new image film presents our inspiring boss. Despite the male dominance in our industry, ...
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Conversion at ROFU

The days when it was all about heating are over! As you can easily see, ...
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Natural refrigerants and their advantages for industrial refrigeration systems

Refrigeration systems are an important component in many industrial sectors where cooling is required. Reliable ...
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The perfect interplay of technology and machine at Rallyesport & KSI

At KSI Kältetechnik, we are not only experts in refrigeration systems, but also have a ...
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KSI: We make cold and clean climate

We make refrigeration and clean air” – KSI relies on the use of natural refrigerants. ...
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