We make refrigeration and clean air” – KSI relies on the use of natural refrigerants. We have been using our new company claim ‘We make refrigeration and clean air’ for some time now. But what does that actually mean for us?
Climate change is progressing and the earth is heating up more and more. According to current estimates, the cooling capacity required will therefore roughly quadruple by 2050. In addition, new technologies and the expansion of the IT sector are constantly demanding new computing and cooling capacities.
Even today, around 17 percent of electricity consumption worldwide is used for refrigeration and air conditioning systems. The current energy crisis is also bringing the resource-conserving use of the energy required by refrigeration systems more and more to the fore and will play an increasingly important role in the future. How we deal with the “raw material” of cold will therefore become increasingly important. This is why both the customized planning of energy-efficient refrigeration systems and the use of environmentally friendly refrigerants play a decisive role for us.
Whereas CFCs were used as refrigerants until the 1990s, HFCs or PFCs are now used to a large extent. We now know that these substances are also harmful to the environment and accelerate global warming. In view of this, we specialized in the use of natural refrigerants years ago. These refrigerants are available in practically unlimited quantities, giving our customers extreme planning security even in times of supply chain difficulties.
In addition, any bans on conventional (and environmentally harmful) refrigerants do not play a role. Our systems can therefore still be operated even after several years and do not have to be extensively converted! Together with our affiliated engineering office for refrigeration systems, we plan and optimize customer-specific refrigeration systems hand in hand. This allows us to react quickly and adapt to changing situations.
Finally, our own specialists install the refrigeration systems with natural refrigerants on site at our customers’ premises. That’s why we can proudly say: We make cold and clean climate!